So here's the thing. I was craving stirfried crab. And the thing about me is that once I get something into my head, especially with regards to food, I just have to have it.
Now, it would have been easy if I was craving pizza or pasta or fruit. But crab? Asian style? Go figure.
For anyone that loves crab, you know that it is darn expensive to have in a restaurant. So, I decided to see if I could make it myself. I went to my local grocery store where I remembered seeing fresh crab and lobster tanks, and sure enough, my memory did not fail me. However, when I asked if they could kill it for me, they said they couldn't and also reminded me that it would taste far better if I did it myself right before cooking. Yikes!
So, with plastic bag containing crawling giant crab in hand, I headed home. First thing I had to do was figure out how I was going to kill it. According to sources on google, putting the live crab in the freezer for about 20 minutes stuns the crab and it doesn't move as much, so I tried that. 20 minutes later, the crab was still moving, I almost think more than it was before!